UNITS ( Command Ship ( cost 4; health 7.8c 8; drop bay 1; striker bay 1; common 4, adj 4 ) Destroyer ( cost 4; health 4.8c 5; damage 4.8c 5; space; common 7, adj 7 ) Battlecruiser ( cost 6; health 6c 6; damage 6c 6; space; multiple techs allowed; common 7, adj 5 ) Gunship ( cost 3; health 2.25c 2; damage 2.25c 2, str; space; common 3, adj 4 ) Fighters ( cost 2; health 2.04c 2; damage 2.04c 2, str; space; striker; common 2, adj 4 ) Bombers ( cost 2; health 2.04c 2; damage 4.08c 4; space; striker; common 2, adj 4 ) Carrier ( cost 4; health 7.8c 8; damage 0; space; striker bay 2; common 3, adj 3 ) Transport ( cost 2; health 3.9c 4; damage 0; space; drop bay 1; common 4, adj 8 ) Mech ( cost 4; health 5.8909c 6; damage 6.8727c 7; ground; common 3, adj 3 ) Infantry ( cost 2; health 3.9529c 4; damage 2.9647c 3; ground; common 3, adj 6 ) ) TECHNOLOGIES ( Destroyer Striker Bay ( for Destroyer; cost 4.9c 5; striker bay +1 ) Destroyer Bombardment ( for Destroyer; cost 8.75c 9; hits ground from space; deals damage twice separately ) Battlecruiser Upgrade ( for Battlecruiser; cost 4; health +3.0857c 3; damage +3.0857c 3; Battlecruiser techs may stack ) Battlecruiser Lab Space (for Battlecruiser; cost 4.1481c 4; produce research after combat 2; Battlecruiser techs may stack ) Battlecruiser Striker Bays ( for Battlecruiser; cost 4.3556c 4; striker bay +2; Battlecruiser techs may stack ) Battlecruiser Drop Bays ( for Battlecruiser; cost 4.3556c 4; drop bay +2; Battlecruiser techs may stack ) Gunship Heavy ( for Gunship; cost 2.6667c 3; health +1; damage +1 ) Gunship Shield Projector ( for Gunship; cost 1.6c 2; any friendly non-striker ship health +2 ) Fighters Lock-On Missiles ( for Fighters; cost 4; damage +2c 2 ) Fighters Warp Drive ( for Fighters; cost 2.6667c 3; don't need striker bay ) Bombers Armor ( for Bombers; cost 2.6667c 3; health +2 ) Bombers Aerospace ( for Bombers; cost 4.6667c 5; move to ground ) Carrier Repair Strikers ( for Carrier; cost 6c 6; repair 1 in each striker bay for free ) Carrier Drop Bay ( for Carrier; cost 2.1c 2; drop bay +1 ) Transport Guns ( for Transport; cost 6c 6; damage +3 ) Transport Grav Drive ( for Transport; cost 8.6667c 9; move to ground; damage on ground +3 ) Mech Mag Clamps ( for Mech; cost 5.25c 5; deal damage in space; deals damage twice separately ) Mech Transport Pod ( for Mech; cost 2c 2; don't need drop bay ) Infantry Powered Armor ( for Infantry; cost 5c 5; health +4; damage +4 ) Infantry Engineers ( for Infantry; cost 2; any friendly non-striker ship health +3.3333c 3 ) Infantry Gunners ( for Infantry; cost 3; any friendly ship damage +4c 4; may not increase damage to strikers ) ) ENEMIES ( Destroyer ( common 4; Space 3, 2 ) Gunship ( common 2; Space 3, 0; Strikers 0, 1 ) Fighters ( common 2; Strikers 2, 1 ) Bombers ( common 2; Space 0, 2; Strikers 2, 0 ) Mech ( common 2; Ground 3, 2 ) Orbital Bombardier ( common 2; Space 3, 0; Ground 0, 2 ) Missile Launcher ( common 2; Space 0, 2; Ground 3, 0 ) Ion Frigate ( common 2; Space 2, 3 ) Laser Frigate ( common 1; Space 2, 0; Strikers 0, 2 ) Blitz Fighters ( common 1; Strikers 1, 2 ) Blitz Bombers ( common 1; Space 0, 3; Strikers 1, 0 ) Shock Troops ( common 1; Ground 2, 3 ) Battleship ( common 2; Space 4, 1 ) Defender ( common 1; Space 4, 0; Strikers 0, 1 ) Armored Fighters ( common 1; Strikers 3, 1 ) Armored Bombers ( common 1; Space 0, 1; Strikers 3, 0 ) Tank ( common 1; Ground 4, 1 ) ) GAINS ( Factory ( common 3; vp 1; Metal Production 1 ) Research Lab ( common 4; vp 1; Research Production 1 ) Asteroid ( common 1; vp 1; Metal 2 ) Artifact ( common 2; vp 1; Research 2 ) Mine ( common 1; vp 0; Metal Production 2 ) Science Station ( common 2; vp 0; Research Production 2 ) Colony ( common 3; vp 2 ) Repair Yard ( common 1; vp 1; repair 1 unit after battle for its cost minus 1, may borrow metal from bank to pay ) 3D Printer ( common 1; vp 1; buy 1 unit any type from deck for normal cost ) Destroyer Shipyard ( common 1; vp 1; buy 1 Destroyer for normal cost minus 1 ) Battlecruiser Shipyard ( common 1; vp 1; buy 1 Battlecruiser for normal cost minus 2 ) Freight Shipyard ( common 1; vp 1; buy 1 Carrier or Transport for normal cost minus 1 ) Light Shipyard ( common 1; vp 1; buy 1 Gunship or Fighter or Bomber for normal cost minus 1 ) Barracks ( common 1; vp 1; buy 1 Infantry or Mech for normal cost minus 1 ) Manufacturing Lab ( common 1; vp 1; convert up to 4 research to metal which is lost at end of round ) Outsourcing Company ( common 1; vp 1; convert up to 4 metal to research which is lost at end of round ) Auction House ( common 1; vp 1; take a unit from top of deck for 2 metal or research ) Chaos Lab ( common 1; vp 1; take a tech from top of deck for 2 metal or research ) )